Monday, May 9, 2016


1.1 CONTEXT ANALYSIS Currently, football has been one of the most likable and widespread games not only in Tanzania, but across the world. Apart from it being enjoyed, it is also a source of youth employment, social integration as well as well economic development. Football is also used in the promotion of health, prevention of diseases like HIV/AIDS, strengthening of child and youth development and education, drawing attention to gender issues, creating global partnership and providing employment to many people. Kilolo district has never had a football club which can unify the whole district. As a result, sports development in the district is still very low. The quest for a district team is based on the community need of the people of Kilolo. This is drawn from past experience as Kilolo District Football Association (KDFA) for a period of nine (9) years, has failed to have a team in premier league. For all these years (2006-2015) the district has failed to qualify for a First National Division football League. The highest level reached as per history is Third division (Regional level). So many reasons could be attributed to this state of affairs. The main and most immediate challenge noted so far has been the absence of a district team at the national league level. This misses both the material and moral support of the majority of the people. The district has only been represented by individual village teams. The majority/ community of the people of Kilolo long for the establishment of a district team. This means that the community is ready to support but the problem is only who to initiate and how. One may ask, why not KDFA? The major obstacle is that this origination is run on a voluntary basis. Furthermore, KDFA members are elected and receive no source of income. Only different stakeholders may become a viable alternative as a benefactor, thence the need for this proposal for the establishment of a district football team. The District team (suggested name: ’Udzungwa Heroes’) will help meet the current national effort of improving sports by utilizing the available talents. A team created will help in achieving the Iringa regional effort of having at least one team in the National Premier League (It is now more than 15 years since Iringa Region has had a football team in the top division). The main reason could be lack of serious and reliable strategies at regional sporting level. This has really made the people of Iringa people miss one of the big sources of economy as well as entertainment. 1.2 OBJECTVES OF THE PROJECT 1.2.1 General Objective Improve the social development of Kilolo district through football and sensitizing the community on issues of health, human rights and environmental conservation. 1.2.2 Specific Objectives i). To empower young people of Kilolo district through the creation of a football team ii). To raise awareness on the spread of HIV/AIDS, the killings of people with albinism iii). To enhance environmental conservation through planting of trees and keeping bees. iv). To fight against the discrimination of albino people through intensive advertisement on football grounds and sports kits. 1.3 EXPECTED RESULTS The project will see the creation of a football team which will represent the whole district at the regional level and subsequently, in the premier league. The other result shall be the sensitization of the population against the killings of people with albinism, and finally, prevention of HIV/AIDS and environmental conservation. All these activities are expected to be supervised and organized in a professional way to ensure a continuous advancement of the team.


It was a glorious day, as people were finishing their Easter, here good moment came for Kilolo and Iringa community as Udzungwa Heroes was a story of the day both in media and streets. Intensive advertisements were effectively made in different local radios. Players arrived at Kilolo town from their respective homes. Thus, everything was ready to start. Twenty two (22) selected players were at Kilolo town by 6PM on 28th March 2016.  On 29th the event took place at ST.Michael playgrounds, participants from government, leaders of ruling political part, district football coordinators and nearby people from the community attended the event.
The objective of the camp was to advertise the team to the community, inform the government on the progress and prepare players morally, psychologically and readiness for the coming responsibilities and competitions.
The total amount  was 1,100,000 Tsh
The first activity was buying and printing the jerseys (T-shirts) and other sports equipments.
The total amount used
 Jerseys (T-shirt) and printing
@30,000 PER 18 =540,000
1Ball per 45,000Tsh
18Stocks each 2500= 45,000 Tsh
TOTAL 630,000Tsh
The second activity was camping
Food for two days 270,000 Tsh.
Fair from home to camp and return 180,000Tsh.
TOTAL 450,000
Communication and Media 20,000Tsh
MAIN TOTAL 1,100,000 TSH.
Activities which took place during the camp
As players arrived by 28th, we had a good time of talking and discussing with players on what is expected from them to make Heroes strong and role model in Tanzania and Africa at large. Players were also made aware of what is expected to them by the community, donors and other stakeholders. It was a good time also for them to know about TULIME, Villa Castelli Calcio, Piccolo Fiamma Caffe for the support and the continuous friendship and cooperation. Therefore, psychological and motivational speeches were well delivered.
On 29th players were at ground, we had a nice moment of taking different photos and videos, players had a good time to demonstrate their talents and skills just for short time. Then, different speeches were given by government officials and leaders of the ruling political party. They gave their word of encouragement to players and appreciation to TULIME and donors who made the event possible. They promised and wished for more cooperation.
What is going on now?
Currently, players are going on with daily practice and preparation with their respective teams in their villages. By June long camping for players to familiarize each other and playing as team, and gaining technical skills will start, ready for regional competition (Second division national league). A close follow up for individual player is made from their respective teams in their villages.
Inauguration camp was indeed effective and brought a big awareness to the community. The Iringa community is well informed about Udzungwa Heroes. Different advices were given on how we can make it more effective. As a community, have planned to conduct ward competition throughout Kilolo district in which Udzungwa Heroes would have a chance of playing with different ward teams. According to them, this would help to bring a sense of patriotism and love to the club and prepare players for the coming competitions. This would also give a chance for a community of seeing players in their home playgrounds. Discussion on how to make this idea work is on progress with some stakeholders within Iringa. A lot of thanks from the community and government to Tulime and donors were given and wished for more cooperation. Real, the event marked a good start for Udzungwa Heroes.

NB: The names of players are listed below;
Some of the pictures are attached.
1.      Fred Chilala                              12.   Efron Msamba
2.      Ezekia Mwilafi                          13.    Amazia Nyengo
3.      Igno Makula                             14.  Basil Mgovano
4.      Seleman Makela                      15.  Ally Said
5.      Justine Tyson                            16.  Victor Nyemba
6.      Isaya Makela                             17.  Festo Magoda
7.      Petro Mgovano                         18.  Shedrack Magoda
8.      Msafili Msamvi                          19.  Numbe Kahemela
9.      Iko Myinga                                 20.  Eleneo Mbwelya
10.  Omari Chande                           21.  Antony Nsonga
11.  David Kalinga                             22.  Ivan Makula
With Thanks.